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Dr. Eve Gruntfest is Professor Emerita in the Geography and Environmental Studies Department at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs where she was a faculty member from 1980-2007. From 2015-1017 she was a Professional Research Associate at the Resilient Communities Institute at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA.


In 2018 her textbook Weather and Society: Toward Integrated Approaches was published by Wiley Blackwell.

Dr. Gruntfest is a Ph.D. geographer who has been working in the field of natural hazard mitigation for more than 40 years. She has published widely and is an expert in the areas of warning systems, flash flooding and integrating social science into atmospheric science.

From 2012- 2013 she was a program officer in the Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Division at National Science Foundation. In 2014 the Association of American Geographers gave her the Gilbert F. White Service Award and in 2009 the American Meteorological Society honored her with the Kenneth E. Spengler Award.

From February 2010-July 2011 Dr. Gruntfest was an invited research scholar at the Laboratoire d'Žtude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement in Grenoble. She served as a member of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Science Advisory Board from 2010-2013. 

She served on six National Academy of Sciences committees. Between 2008-2012 she directed the SSWIM initiative (Social Science Woven into Meteorology, at The National Weather Center in Norman, OK. 

From 2007-2010 Dr. Gruntfest served as Chair of the American Meteorological Society Board on Societal Impacts. From 2005-2006 Dr. Gruntfest was a research scientist at NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) in Boulder, CO. She co-founded the WAS * IS movement (Weather and Society Integrated Studies).

During the spring of 2003 Dr. Gruntfest was a Fulbright Scholar serving as the Distinguished Chair of Geography and University of Trieste, Italy. In 2002, she co-edited the volume Coping with Flash Floods (Kluwer 2000) that brings together papers from leading experts who participated at the 1999 NATO Advanced Studies Institute that she organized and held in Ravello, Italy. She spent two years (1998 and 2000) as an invited senior scholar at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at Colorado State University in Fort Collins.

Dr. Gruntfest has been an invited keynote speaker to many professional organizations including the Association of State Floodplain Managers, the National Weather Service, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the National Hydrologic Warning Council, COMET at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Hydrology Department at the University of Florence and the University of Ljubljana, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, and the New Zealand Geologic and Nuclear Science group. She has been an invited expert at The Weather Channel and is featured in two flash flood documentaries.